Sunday service 9:30 in church and on YouTube
Sundays,  as well as religious holidays


17A Oaklands ROAD, Orchards, Johannesburg


The ‘Andrew Murray Way’

  • We strive to embody the truth that God loves everybody
  • The Bible and our church’s creeds form the discussion documents for life
  • We are a community of faith for today and tomorrow, in our city, in our country
  • We thrive when we participate meaningfully and have a sense of ownership (vision, facilities, and projects)
  • We believe that people will join a community of faith that envisions a future for itself

We embrace vulnerability
We celebrate life
We strive to be non-judgmental

Click here to download 2025 Calendar





Carli Hugo
+27 (0)11 728 4031 office
+27 (0)61 418 1738 mobile


Gerhard Koen (Pastoral help)
+27 (0)82 850 5657 mobile
+27 (0)11 782 1506 home 

Jacobus van Straaten (Chaplain, SAPS)
+27 (0)73 220 9914 mobile
+27 (0)11 487 0141 home

Community Manager
Kegomoditswe Rampa
+27 (0)11 728 4031 office
+27 (0)78 145 1129 mobile
Office hours: 9.00-14.00

Youth Ministry
Carolien de Wet
+27 (0)71 217 2921 mobile


From Johannesburg CBD
Take M1 North
Take the 11th Avenue offramp, then turn right
11th Avenue becomes Ivy Road
Turn left into Grant Avenue
Turn left into Oaklands
The Church is number 17A on the right

From Pretoria
Drive in a southerly direction on the N1
Pass the Corlett Drive offramp
Take the Glenhove offramp and continue
   straight over into Central Avenue
Turn left into 11th Avenue
11th Avenue becomes Ivy Road
Turn Left into Grant Avenue
Turn left into Oaklands
The Church is number 17A on the right

See Google Maps  



  In keeping with the tradition and vision of the founder of Andrew Murray, we need to continue to provide a safe space for the people of Johannesburg and surrounds. Andrew Murray is known for its multilingual, non-racial, welcoming and open DNA and the vision continues to be one to build on this.
From the start of 2018 and after much deliberation, consultation and prayers, the Church Council of Andrew Murray unanimously decided to combine the services into a single service at 09:30. This is another brave step in the history of Andrew Murray but Council has faith that God will guide us, bind and keep us together as He has done since the merger of Andrew Murray with Johannesburg-Noord.
One of our congregation members describes Andrew Murray as a place of unqualified love, fellowship and friendship, somewhere where you can receive spiritual guidance and life skills. Our hope is that we can remain just that in an ever changing, demanding, multicultural and multifaceted city.
The Morning Service provides an opportunity for the smaller children of the English side of the congregation to participate in the Youth Ministry from which they have been largely excluded up to now.
For those who like to start early, tea is served from 09:00 and for those who like to linger and catch up, tea is also served after the morning Service.
Evening Services (also known as ‘Table Talk’, held on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month) focus on core values and core messages of Jesus and of taking care of those who are struggling. These are intended to attract younger members of the congregation. Every second Sunday of the month is dedicated to a Lectio Divina Evening Service where there is ample time for reflection and a deep reading of the Word.
Our Youth is very important to us. This year, we will focus more on our 3 to 12 year old children to ensure that they also have a place in the congregation. Carolien de Wet was recently appointed as Youth Coordinator. We have a team of volunteers, paid volunteers and parents assisting Carolien.
Please let your children join us in church for a short and focused message. Thereafter they usually leave the service to partake in their own activities. Carolien can be contacted on 071 217 2921 or
Catechism is focused on youth in the latter stage of high school with the aim of preparing them for doing their Confession of Faith. Catechism is done by Carli Hugo and will start in March. Contact Carli on 061 418 1738 or
A sacrament is a visible sign of an inward grace, especially one of the solemn Christian rites considered to have been instituted by Jesus Christ to symbolize or confer grace. In keeping with the sacraments of the Protestant churches Andrew Murray celebrates the baptism and the Lord's Supper – baptism on request via the church office and Holy Communion a minimum of 4 times per year.
One Saturday morning per month 10 to 14 people get together at the church from 09:00 until 12:00. Carli selects a reading from the work of a theologian, supplies us with copies of his reading, and gives a short explanatory introduction to the chosen passage. In complete silence we then have the opportunity to study the passage. At about 11:00 we deal our thoughts which Rudi comments and deepens on, with the group. These discussions are meaningful, add a deeper level to our spiritual growth and our way of living our faith.
For the first time we spent a weekend at Origins, the Retreat centre of the Mosaic Church, situated in the Cradle of Humankind. This weekend from the 12th to the 14th of January, was a unique experience which we intend to repeat early in each year. We invite you to join our Retreat sessions. For more information contact Valerie Pretorius on 083 616 1071 / or Jannette Kocks on 082 452 5978 /

At Andrew Murray, Working Groups were introduced some years back. These groups are created around specific areas of expertise and focus, have decision making power insofar as their areas of expertise are concerned and report back formally to the Church Council.

The Dagbestuur committee is composed of a smaller group of Church Council members. It acts as an Exective Committee to the larger Council. The committee meets more often than the Council to address matters that require urgent attention and to ensure that the day to day running of the church activities is carried out. Matters for the attention of this committee can be sent to the church office.

Financial Working Group
This Working Group is the custodian of and oversees the financial affairs of the church. They deal with all issues pertaining to the financial processes and procedures (investment choices, borrowing decisions, budgeting, issues of audit and tax) of the church with the aim of ensuring responsible stewardship of the Church’s finances as well as financial sustainability. They provide financial governance and feedback to Church Council. Kobus Volschenk has taken over the responsibility of this Working Group. He can be contacted on 082 493 5138 or

Feeskom Working Group
0 The main purpose of the Feeskom Working Group is to create and develop a sense of community in the congregation. This is done by planning social events largely around the liturgical calendar e.g. our very popular Pesach Dinner. We also celebrate some of the more commercial holidays e.g. Mother’s and Father’s Day. At least one fundraising function or bazaar is arranged each year (we remember the fun at Cresta Barnyard, Starry Nights, Valentine’s evening). If you are willing to help in any way or form with a specific function, contact Karen Ferreira on 083 275 8506 or

Seniors Working Group
Gerhard Koen still attends to the over 60’s of the congregation. With his capable assistants they ensure that every person over 60 is contacted at least 4 times per year. Although these calls are primarily aimed at personally inviting them to the very special and festive lunches that are arranged for them, it is also our way to stay in touch with them and to ensure that we are aware of their needs. The Seniors have also arranged wonderful excursions in the past. Gerhard can be contacted on 082 850 5657 or


Zani van Staden along with her volunteers from inside and out-side the congregation, gather from early every Monday morning to provide and serve soup and bread to between 30 and 55 destitute people. For many of the people this is the only decent meal they will receive in the week. Help in the form of soup, soup ingredients, and hands on the day is always welcome. You can contact Zani on 071 401 0531 / or Talitha Muller on 072 125 1457 /


Is a registered non-profit organization (Sec 18(A) 930033233; 2001/02573308) founded in 2001 to provide a support system for vulnerable youth in South Africa. High School Youth and Young Adults from different cultures live together in 13 houses, called Echo Communities.
At Andrew Murray, we have an ECHO@WORK Community branch on the church premises. The objective of this initiative is to provide a home (in the Retreat Centre) and community for young adults who start out their working lives. A few leaders live with them to provide guidance and support.
Members of the Andrew Murray congregation can get in-volved in the following ways:

  • attend the Potluck dinners on the first Tuesday of each month at 19:00 to meet the members of the community
  • referring job opportunities to this community
  • sponsor a bed @R500 pm or make any other donation (tax certificates are is-sued which allows deduction for tax purposes)

If you would like to get involved with ECHO@WORK you can contact Erick du Toit on 074 158 2837; Christine McDonald on 082 458 6425 or Rudi Swanepoel on 083 792 5608.


is our ecard website where we make it easy to show that we care; not only for our loved ones but for our broader communities. So whether it’s a birthday, a holiday, a fun day or even if someone close to you have had a loved one pass on, our ecards on LoveShowsUp is the best way to send a customised card with a personal message quickly and easily.

But even better than making someone you know happy with a meaningful card in their inbox, is the fact that when you buy an ecard on LoveShowsUp, you can make a donation to a charity close to your heart.

And that is really our aim with this initiative: we want to share our love for those close to us with wider communities who need our support.

We love the fact that our cards can show love and care in an instant and keep us connected to everyone we love. Plus they are super convenient, paperless (so kind to the environment) and you can put a smile on someone’s face for every celebration on the calendar and the special moments in between. Send a card today!
Simply log on to

Andrew Murray is involved in the SA Police Service through one of its ministers, Jacobus van Straaten. Jacobus serves as a chaplain in the Police Service and is stationed at the National Head Office where he assists with the strategic positioning of Spiritual Services within the SAPS.
Chaplains are responsible for the spiritual wellbeing of Police members and contribute to the ethical consciousness of the SAPS. Members of the Police and their families are affected by shift work, continual exposure to trauma and the darker side of life through crime. Chaplains strive to give hope in these often despairing situations.
On 28 July 2010 the Dutch Reformed Church and the Police Service entered into a partnership. This partnership allows members of congregations and local ministers be involved with their local Police station. This is facilitated by the local chaplain.
To get involved contact Jacobus on 012 393 5542 or
Andrew Murray has been the spiritual home of the children and staff of the Maria Kloppers home for many years. Their campus is in Observatory and consists of 4 residential houses and a baby unit. They accommodate approximately 50 children including 20 babies and toddlers that need a place of safety. You can contact them directly if you would like to be in-volved there. Visit their website for more information.
Andrew Murray has also been the spiritual home for girls of Uitkoms. Uitkoms Home for Girls is a registered child and youth care centre that offers non-discriminatory, residential care, protection, development plans and counselling to abused, abandoned and otherwise neglected teenage girls.
Since 2015 Anina Koen and Llewelyn Jackson have spent many Saturdays with the girls introducing them to the joy of choral singing. The growth in their confidence is remarkable. Read more about their needs on their website
Financial assistance to the Johannesburg congregation.
Our URCSA relationship: In 2018 we will have 2 joint services.
Our care group: Rudi has a group of around 9 people that he com-municates with to alleviate physical needs in the congregation on a regular basis.
Knit a square – Lynette van Velze runs this project on an annual basis. Information is available



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Go to and search
NG Kerk Andrew Murray and please ask to join.




Andrew Murray Congregation
ABSA Parktown
Account no: 2930140115
Branch code: 632005



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